Super Mario Bros Z Deluxe Wiki

Maho Mushi

This is an animated spin-off series of Dragon Ball Z and The Fairly Odd Parents. The show was produced and made by creator Emblem64. The show ran for 195 episodes long. It is about young Mushi & Tommy with the help of Rhonda & Cosco to defeat the evil Lord Maho. It also features 26 Lost episodes that is not connected to the series. Also a movie to sponser and feature it.



Mushi is a green skinned alien with anntenas that wears an orange shirt with purple pants. He has the hair of Goku and is the parody of Goku. He is one of two main protagonist the other being Tommy. The two grow a good bond as he is friends with just about his whole team. He does get into conflicts with other characters every so often. Like when Cosco turned evil because he accidentally said something and apologized. Mushi is the most skilled, fastest and strongest of the group. He also has a sword that he uses on rare occasions.


Tommy looks eactly like Timmy did when he went into Maho Mushi. Except Tommy does not have the hat and he is slightly buffer than Timm when he was in Maho Mushi. Tommy is also the main protagonist like Mushi. The two are best friends and must stop the Evil Lord Queen Maho.


He is one of the main protagonist and is the running gaga and comic relief character of the show. He is in the least amount of fights of all the main characters but turns evil once. It is revealed that when mad enough, he is stronger than all the heroes (until the Bakazar Arc).


She is the only female main character. She is considered to be stronger than Cosco on almost every occasion. She is in many fights and makes her first appearance with Cosco in Episode 3: Seeking the Turtle Hermit.

Turtle Hermit

The Turtle Hermit is the master/teacher of the heroes. He trains the heroes in the first arc to defeat Mushi's brother. He is the master throughout the series and has a few fights throughout the show. He does defeat Gladiator before. He does not die like the heroes but seems to have the closest relationship with either Mushi or Cosco because of going on many adventures with him and his silly attitude.


Lord Maho

She is the main antagonist of the show and is the greatest evil that has ever lived. She seeks revenge on Tommy's father and kills him later in the series. She quickly develops a hatred for the heroes when first encountering them in Episodes 3 & 8 in season one. Her first appearance was in episode 2. She was the main antagonist overall and of the last season.


Garven is the older brother of Mushi and is very kind and protective of his brother. He was the first enemy of the heroes in the first arc. However, he was initially good until episode 6. After that they quickly encounter him in episode 7, but they have a rematch with him in episode 11. He is only seen one other time after this arc.


He is the arc-nemesis of Mushi's and appears on and off at times in the show. However he was the main antagonist in the second arc. He quickly defeats the heroes in episode 14. He is seen throughout the series as a casual obstacle in their way. He however after his arc, he loses each fight he is in.


Doken is an old friend of Mushi's. He use to be Mushi's best friend but turns evil. He then seeked revenge on Mushi and is the main enemy in the third season. He easily defeats all the heroes. Eventually in the final arc he turns good but has appeared on and off in other seasons. In the second to last season he appears a lot and only looses 3 of the 8 battles he has.

Toti, Lotgo, Rodgo, Chigo (Hazardous Four)

These four have been enemies of the heroes since episode 9. They have been secondary villains until the 4 season where they are the main antagonist. After this only Chigo is seen in the show turning good to defeat Lord Maho. The other three were killed in the fifth arc from Bakazar the monster.

Bakazar The Monster

Bakazar is a huge enemy of the heroes and Hazardous Four. He kills the Hazardous Four except Chigo. He was the main villain in the fifth season. He was easily considered a match for the heroes. He almost enslaved Mugo Village. He makes another appearance in the final season as a experiment to defeat the heroes.


Weefro is the main antagonist in the sixth arc and almost enslaves the world. However, he is killed by Lord Maho because she wants to enslave the world. He does not make any other appearance in the world. He is only mentioned in season 8 when searching for the hidden stone.


Gladiator is only in the second and third arcs as a secondary villain. It is easily a strong opponent but Mushi kills him. He returns later in the final arc as a foil to the heroes plans.


Nyo is another villain is a duplicate of Mushi. He is a secondary villain in the fifth and sixth arcs. He is easily outcasted but later becomes incredibly strong.


He is a secondary villain and despises all that is good. He worked for Lord Maho until she betrayed him and Tommy killed him.


This is Cosco controlled by the Shadow Carrier Statue. He was evil and nearly enslaved the world until he was stopped by Doken who comes and helps the heroes only to turn on them and try to defeat Mushi once and for all. Anti-Cosco is only seen in the seventh arc as the main villain. He also appears in the 26 Lost Episodes.


Timbre is in the first and second arcs as a secondary villain. He fights the heroes and Mushi in a forest. He in season two works with Mooncalf and is killed by Mooncalf when failing to defeat the heroes.


Bugtow is a secondary villain throughout the show. He grows a huge grudge on Cosco and vows to kill him. However, in the second to last arc, Cosco accidentally kills him.


Yodo is the main antagonist of the fourteenth arc. He works with others like Doken, Bugtow, and Doso. He was killed by Rhonda and appears in the first arc.

Gargle King

Gargle King is the main antagonist of the eight and ninth seasons. He easily becomes too strong for the Heroes and enslaves Mugo Village in the eight arc. In the ninth they seek help to defeat him and the Turtle Hermit is believed to be the only one that can stop him by prophecy. However, Gargle King almost kills the Turtle Hermit but he dies.


Roundcat is the main antagonist of the tenth arc. He is small but can be as strong as Lord Maho. Lord Maho kills him thinking he will oppose a threat to her if he continues to be alive.


Fushaira is a giant cyclops monster that is capable of defeating the heroes. It is the main antagonist of the eleventh arc. It is easily a destroyer and almost kills some of the heroes. Due to this, it nearly kills Mushi, making Mushi not appear in season twelve until episode five of season twelve. He was created by Bogo.


Bogo is the creator of Fushaira and the main antagonist of the thriteenth arc. He is easily an elite warrior who is stronger than many characters.


  • Penchenzo Ha
  • Myazaka
  • Bonsai Bubble
  • Emperor Swordslash
  • Falcon Crash
  • Mujami Raika Canon
  • Zyawaka

Turtle Style

  • Turtle Shrouder


Season one

  • Maho: 80 - 150
  • Tommy: 80 - 150
  • Cosco: 65 - 130
  • Rhonda: 75 - `140
  • Timbre: 90 - 145
  • Garven: 105 - 170
  • Lord Maho: 419 - 680
  • Hazardous Four: 115 - 312

Season two

  • Mushi: 310 - 421
  • Tommy: 304 - 419
  • Cosco: 280 - 395
  • Rhonda: 300 - 401
  • Lord Maho: 750 - 1000
  • Timbre: 295 - 325
  • Mooncalf: 320 - 430
  • Gladiator: 180 - 308

Season three

  • Mushi: 710 - 840
  • Tommy: 710 - 840
  • Cosco: 619 - 761
  • Rhonda: 700 - 820
  • Gladiator: 400 - 817
  • Mooncalf: 703 - 840
  • Lord Maho: 1000 - 2000

Season four

  • Mushi: 1500 - 3000
  • Tommy: 1500 - 3000
  • Cosco: 1000 - 2000
  • Rhonda: 1100 - 2300
  • Mooncalf: 900 - 2100
  • Lord Maho: 2000 - 5000
  • Hazardous Four - 2800 - 4500


Season 1: 2010-2011

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 1 "The Return of Mushi" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Mushi trains and then decides to head into the Village and gets some food. He then spots his older brother Garven as he is going to a secret meeting. Mushi eventually gets food but is confronted by a mysterious napper who stole Granny's Granny Bar. He then chase's the thief to get it back. He is quickly defeated by being tricked. He then heads back to town but Garven stops him. Garven is about to defeat him when he tricks Garven and Garven loses. Mushi then comes, raging mad and kicks the thief, winning the fight. Mushi then returns the food and he is rewarded by the vilage.
2 2 "The Hero of Heroes" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
Mushi is training against Garven until they are interrupted by a loud speaker. The person was tall, with a black cape, black pants, and green and black striped shirt. She then says that she is the ruler of the world and that if anyone dares to defy her will be killed. Mushi then runs out and expresses dialogue to her. The two look like they are to fight until Garven stops him and Lord Maho the leaves laughing at Mushi. Meanwhile, Mushi goes to the forest for target practice and he spots another kid and they introduce themselves. Tommy then says that he does not believe Mushi and the two prepare to fight. Mushi and Tommy are exactly the same until Tommy gets the upperhand. Mushi is then being beaten until he reverses his attack and soon before both were going to be killed, Garven stops them both. Tommy and Mushi then goes to Mushi's house and they become good friends already. Tommy then tells about his other two friends and the two venture to Tommy's house, on the otherside of town.
3 3 "Seeking the Turtle Hermit" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Tommy and Mushi stops a thief and then is almost at Tommy's house. Meanwhile, Lord Maho spreads terror at Ginger Village. Garven goes to the secret meeting and discusses on how to stop the chosen ones. Tommy and Mushi then spot an antrhomopodic tiger named Timbre. Timbre defeats Mushi. Tommy then fights Timbre but to no prevail. Cosco & Rhonda then comes out and fights Timbre, beating him with their teamwork. Rhonda then introduces herself to Mushi but Cosco does not trust Mushi. He then fights Mushi but Mushi defeats him fairly wuickly with ease. Cosco then is forced to become friends with Mushi. The three are then informed about villainess, Lord Maho. He then says that he is looking for a teacher to teach them all in the art of an animal. Lord Maho then returns to Mugo Village and goes to the Lake. The heroes then go there and challenges Lord Maho. She then hardly tries and is already defeating them. Mushi and Tommy then get ready and uses their Penchenzo, Myazaka Blitz. She then deflects that and the heroes are then defeated. She then goes into town to cause mayhem but encounters Garvin. They end in a draw Garvin gets kicked to a pole. She then flees promising to destroy this place and hunt the heroes down. They then find the Turtle Hermit and he trains them under his wing.
4 4 "The World Tournament" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
The heroes go into the Village to get some food and they see a buildboard that says, The Martial Arts World Tournament. They all then decides to join it however, Timbre returns to join it as well. Mushi mentions about an old friend named Doken. In the preliminaries, Mushi faces Thiefo, Cosco faced Rhonda. Tommy faced Locus, Rhonda faced Cosco and Timbre faced Gando. When Rhonda and Cosco was fighting, they insulted each other and easily got on the other's nerves. Rhonda, Mushi, Tommy, and Timbre all then go to the Semi-Final Round. The next match was Mushi vs. Rhonda & Tommy vs. Timbre. Timbre beats up Tommy but Tommy then tricks Timbre. Timbre then almost pushes Tommy out the ring until Tommy reverses it. Mushi and Rhonda are tied but Rhonda gets the upperhand when using her Scipher powers. Mushi is about to lose until he uses his Penchenzo Ha! Rhonda and Mushi then battle it out again and Rhonda falls out the wing after being kicked by Mushi. Mushi and Tommy then goes to the final round to brawl. The Turtle Hermit then shows up and is prepared to cheer them on. He then senses a disturbance and watches the beginning of the fight.
5 5 "Super Champion of the World" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Garven then comes and watches the final match and cheers for both of them. Cosco cheers for Tommy and Rhonda cheers for Mushi because Cosco is picking favorites. Mushi and Tommy are tied and none seems to be letting down even a bit. Mushi then kicks Tommy and Tommy punches Mushi. Both almost falls out but get up. Mushi is then tricked and kicked to the ground. He then gets up and gets kicked down again. He then gets up and tricks Tommy and uses a series of kicks on him. He then punches Tommy and Tommy lands on the walls. Tommy then uses his Myazaka and Mushi uses his Penchenzo Ha! The two then are almost out of chi and the two then punch one another up and they both go smacking down. The battle ends in a draw and the prize is split. Garven then congratulates them but Timbre then defeats the heroes. Garven then complains that that was unfair because thye were exahusted. He then fights Garven and nearly defeats him. All the heroes (including Garven) then does a combo on him and Garven punches him to the mountains. The Tutrtle Hermit is then on the mountains and ounches Timbre to Ginger Village.
6 6 "Heylin Betrayel" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Garven and Mushi are training in the forest and then Tommy arrives and Garven goes to the secret meeting. At the meeting, Garvin is talked about turning evil and having to kill his brother before Lord Maho takes over and slaughters him herself and defeats all the chosen ones. Garven refuses but then they then say with Mushi alive, he opposes as a threat and one of Lord Maho's prime targets. Garven then gets convinced and when he sees his brother and Cosco out in the plains h then goes to them. They both then question Garvin and Garvin says he is going to kill his brother. He then punches the two to a rock. The two get up and prepare to fight him. The two then engages in battle against Garven but are losing. Garven then nearly snaps Cosco's neck and thrashes his brother. Cosco then elbows him out of anger and Tommy and Rhonda show up from in the Village and think Cosco and Mushi are sparing with Garven. Garven then kicks Cosco to a rock and smashes his knee hard on Mushi's stomach. Tommy then stops him and Garven leaves saying that that was a warning. Mushi reveals that he and Cosco are bleeding severely. The heroes then think why Garven would try to kill his own brother. Garven went to the meeting and they said to exterminate all the chosen ones.
7 7 "Brother vs. Brother" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Garven is at the plains where Tommy and Mushi fight him. Cosco and Rhonda then have the first aid and went to watch. The two seems to be at a huge disadvantage against Garven. Garven then uses his scouter for the first time and reveals they have no chance at beating him. He then defeats Mushi. He then does a series of punches on Tommy and defeats him. However, ends up getting hit by it. Cosco then falls through a hole and falls on top of Rhonda hard. He then thinks they are all dead. Garven leaves but the heroes then awaken and Timbre comes. Rhonda then defeats him and the heroes go to Tommy's house. They think of a plan and once it hit nighttime, all the heroes decided to fight Garven. They all then fight but are still losing. He then defeats them one by one starting with Cosco. He then goes to Rhonda, followed by Tommy. He and Mushi then have a long battle but ultimately Mushi loses when Garven uses his Scouter and then his Mujami Raika Canon. He then goes to the secret meeting and says he has killed them.
8 8 "Royale Flush" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
All the heroes awaken and appears to be in the forest. Tommy then drags them all to a river where they all get water in them. Cosco then gets bit by a squirrel. Rhonda helps him and he is hurt. Garven then fights Timbre as practice but their fight is interrupted by Lord Maho who fights them both. They then work on the same side for once but they fall ther her hand. Garven gets back up and injures her. She then uses her Photon Ray to send them both flying in opposite directions far. Garven then lands in the forest where the heroes are. He wakes up and challenges the heroes. Lord Maho then takes people captive. She then goes to her Domain/Fortress for some experimenting. Mushi and Rhonda are fighting him to no prevail. Tommy and Cosco then fight him and still lose. Garven then decides to settle the score and leaves and promises to return later. Mushi and the others then train and go back to town. They then go to the mountains to train and see Timbre. They all then train by beating on Timbre. However, Lord Maho comes and fights them all. Lord Maho then uses her Zyawaka and defeats Cosco. Rhonda have a one on one and Rhonda gets defeated by her Emperor Style. Tommy and Mushi then fights her but she beats them both and as they all watch her leave, they decide they need to get stronger.
9 9 "Day of the Serpent Part I" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
The heroes decides to head to Sole Town to get stronger. However, Turtle Hermit meets them and decides to venture with them for a change. They all then arrive at Sole Town and finds out that today is the day fo Serpent (meaning that all heroes powers are distinct from them. They all then encounter Timbre and he defeats all of them except the Turtle Hermit. Turtle Hermit then uses a series of attacks and defeats him. Garven meanwhile discover this and uses this as a way to get stronger to prepare himself to kill them for good. Turtle Hermit and the other then go by a lake and trains. However, they meet a group called the Hazardous Four and easily becomes enemies with them. At Ginger Village, Lord Maho invades it and destroys some of the land as payback from another time 30 Years ago. Garven then asks the meeting if he should really do this and says he does not want to kill them. The meeting leader then attempts to kill Garven and Garven continues to train. Turtle Hermit then decides to train them in the art of Turtle Style. Cosco makes jokes and he is the last one to learn the style. In the end of the day, they all practice their techniques using Turtle style.
10 10 "Day of the Serpent Part II" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
It is nightime and the heroes train against the Turtle Hermit with their Turtle Style Attacks. However, he easily defeats them except Mushi. Mushi continues top fight and lose. Tommy then joins and they both do not give up as they are being defeated. Tommy then gets hit to Cosco and Mushi gets tired and gets hit to Cosco as well. Rhonda then cooks the food along with Cosco and everyone eats up. The next day after the Serpen Day passed, a Serpent statue falls on Cosco and the team thinks it is sacred and holds on to it. The Turtle Hermit then keeps hold of it. Lord Maho then goes to Sole Town and scatters flares and blows up some of the twon. The heroes then go to town only to be a few moments too late. Lord Maho then leaves laughing at the heroes. Garven then comes and blasts them all to Lake. The Turtle Hermit, Cosco, and Rhonda all then watch as Tommy and Mushi prepare to fight him. They start off tied but he then gets the lead of the fight and for the rest of the fight beats them up. He then punches and kicks them down. They then call for a timeout and declares they get only 3 minutes.
11 11 "All-out Brawl" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
The 3 minutes are up and Garven smashes Mushi. He then thrashes Tommy. Tommy then kicks him and Mushi pounds him down. Garven then powers up and the other two powers up and they all go at it. However, Garven takes over the fight again and hardly trying. They both are then bleeding like crazy and soon, Garven then is pounding his foot on Mushi. Tommy then shoves Garven and just barely saves Mushi. Tommy then is about to get hit until Mushi takes the series of hits. Tommy then uses his roundhouse kick and misses. He then is getting hit by a series of hits. Mushi then uses the Turtle Style and uses the Shell Shrouder. Garven then flies to the rock and crashes. The two then start to beat Garven when using their Turtle Style attacks. Garven then uses his Mujami Raika Canon. The two heroes are then almost dead until they combine their blasts to maximum and defeats Garven's Mujami Raika Canon. Garven then tells the heroes that he really did not want to kill them but he had to try or they would face a much worse fate. He then wishes them luck and passes away.The heroes then head to Mushi's house and Mushi is in a state of depression.
12 12 "Cosco the King" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 13 "Crawling with Power" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.

Season 2: 2010-2011

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 14 "Growing Fusion" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Master Fung along with Dojo Konojo Cho both figure out the Four Dragon Warriors as- Omi, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey. Meanwhile, Jack Spicer finds a puzzle box and sets Wuya free to help him. Soon quickly the Heylin and Xiaolin meet. After failing already, their second encounter leads up to the first Xiaolin Showdown.
2 15 "My Father's Keeper" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
After Omi gets the highest on the obstacle course. Clay surprises everyone when just simply getting the dog. He then makes fun of Clay's old man kung fu style. They then notcie the Fist of Tebigong is activated and that Omi gets no Shen Gong Wu. Meanwhile, Jack and Wuya make an alliance with LeMime. Clay is the only one left to challenge Jack Spicer to a Xiaolin Showdown.
3 16 "Mooncalf's Revenge" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Kimiko's rage makes her lose the Monkey Staff to Jack with his Jetbootsu. She then works on her temper as the guys easily annoys her. She then later challenges Jack and seems to win with working on her temper.
4 17 "Mono y Moso" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
Master Fung finds out that someone has been in the vault. They all then say Jack Spicer. Jack then retrieves the Third-Arm Sash & the Two Ton Tunic. However, he looses them when tripping by Omi. The Xiaolin Monks then frnd off Jack's robots as Omi and Jack duel. Soon both are to be heading to a Xiaolin Showdown but one of Jack's robots survived and snatched the Shen Gong Wu's. Omi feeling guilty eventually reedeming himself when fighting Jack again in their next fight for the Third-Arm Sash.
5 18 "Gladiator!" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Wuya and Jack look for a replacement and find Katnappe. She then goes looking for the Changing Chopsticks. They then meet up with the Xiaolin Monks and they defeat the Jackbots. Omi and Katnappe duel in a game of it. Katnappe wins and betrays Wuya and Jack. She uses the Golden Tiger Claws and causes havoc. She beats the Xiaolin Monks twice until Omi sends the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's Core.
6 19 "Terror of Timbre" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Omi explains the art of Shen Gong Wu but Raimundo dozes off. They then arrive at the beach and split up. Raimundo finds it and quickly encounters Tubbimara. After his humiliating defeat, Raimundo studies Shen Gong Wu, leading up to him having his rematch with the ninja.
7 20 "Falcon Scorcher" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Jack and Wuya think of another way to get the Shen Gong Wu and rehire LeMime to get them and seek revenge on Clay. He then fights Clay once again, and defeats the monks. He then wins the Helmet of Jong. Clay then seeks revenge on LeMime and LeMime goes for the Orb of Tornami. Clay and LeMime have a Xiaolin Showdown. Clay wins and kicks LeMime far, far away.
8 21 "'Night in the Mooncalf Empire'" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
The monks and Dojo go to New York to look for the Serpent's Tail. As they have failed many times on several occasions. Jack Spicer appears and looks for it as well. Omi gets lost and fights off bullies with Jermaine. They both then meet up with the other monks and Jermaine and Omi are in a Xiaolin Showdown against Jack and his robot.
9 22 "Moonstone Milk" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
After the Xiaolin Monks are seeking the Black Dragon, Jack takes it and Omi and him have a Showdown for it to which he won. The monks then took it home and the Shen Gong Wu known as the Sapphire Dragon is activated and freezes the monks and Master Fung one by one. It is up to Dojo to save everyone.
10 23 "Timbre's Demise" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
After recieving the Ring of Nine Dragons by collecting it, Omi uses this when he cannot multitask when choosing to train with friends and practice martial arts. he then disobeys Master Fung's orders and while looking for the Falcon's Eye Jack wagers his Jetbootsue for Omi's Mantis Flipcoin. Jack wins when Omi falls back down. Jack is then left with the bad luck when it turns out to be a nightmare.
11 24 "Lord Maho's Solar Power" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
While using the Changing Chopsticks, builds the Cameleon bot. He then shows the Kimiko program and practices using the Star Hanabi, the Lotus Twister, and the Sun Chi Latern to use the Star Hanabi again. The duplicate then meets Kimiko and beats her. Jack holds Kimiko captive. Omi belives Kimiko is an imposter when losing the Tongue of Saiping to Jack and her weird actions. He then fights Kimiko and the Cameleon Kimiko in a three-way Xiaolin Showdown. Omi wins and guesses and destroys the Cameleon Bot.
12 25 "Fright Night" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 26 "Last Ditch Effort" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.

Season 3: 2010-2011

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 27 "Doken's Revenge Part I" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Master Fung along with Dojo Konojo Cho both figure out the Four Dragon Warriors as- Omi, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey. Meanwhile, Jack Spicer finds a puzzle box and sets Wuya free to help him. Soon quickly the Heylin and Xiaolin meet. After failing already, their second encounter leads up to the first Xiaolin Showdown.
2 28 "Doken's Revenge Part II" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
After Omi gets the highest on the obstacle course. Clay surprises everyone when just simply getting the dog. He then makes fun of Clay's old man kung fu style. They then notcie the Fist of Tebigong is activated and that Omi gets no Shen Gong Wu. Meanwhile, Jack and Wuya make an alliance with LeMime. Clay is the only one left to challenge Jack Spicer to a Xiaolin Showdown.
3 29 "Secret of the Puzzle Maze" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Kimiko's rage makes her lose the Monkey Staff to Jack with his Jetbootsu. She then works on her temper as the guys easily annoys her. She then later challenges Jack and seems to win with working on her temper.
4 30 "Grand Coliseum" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
Master Fung finds out that someone has been in the vault. They all then say Jack Spicer. Jack then retrieves the Third-Arm Sash & the Two Ton Tunic. However, he looses them when tripping by Omi. The Xiaolin Monks then frnd off Jack's robots as Omi and Jack duel. Soon both are to be heading to a Xiaolin Showdown but one of Jack's robots survived and snatched the Shen Gong Wu's. Omi feeling guilty eventually reedeming himself when fighting Jack again in their next fight for the Third-Arm Sash.
5 31 "Uh Oh! It's Mooncalf... again!" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Wuya and Jack look for a replacement and find Katnappe. She then goes looking for the Changing Chopsticks. They then meet up with the Xiaolin Monks and they defeat the Jackbots. Omi and Katnappe duel in a game of it. Katnappe wins and betrays Wuya and Jack. She uses the Golden Tiger Claws and causes havoc. She beats the Xiaolin Monks twice until Omi sends the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's Core.
6 32 "Round Two" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Omi explains the art of Shen Gong Wu but Raimundo dozes off. They then arrive at the beach and split up. Raimundo finds it and quickly encounters Tubbimara. After his humiliating defeat, Raimundo studies Shen Gong Wu, leading up to him having his rematch with the ninja.
7 33 "Demon of The Winds Part I" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Jack and Wuya think of another way to get the Shen Gong Wu and rehire LeMime to get them and seek revenge on Clay. He then fights Clay once again, and defeats the monks. He then wins the Helmet of Jong. Clay then seeks revenge on LeMime and LeMime goes for the Orb of Tornami. Clay and LeMime have a Xiaolin Showdown. Clay wins and kicks LeMime far, far away.
8 34 "Demons of the Winds Part II" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
The monks and Dojo go to New York to look for the Serpent's Tail. As they have failed many times on several occasions. Jack Spicer appears and looks for it as well. Omi gets lost and fights off bullies with Jermaine. They both then meet up with the other monks and Jermaine and Omi are in a Xiaolin Showdown against Jack and his robot.
9 35 "Trapped in the Sky" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
After the Xiaolin Monks are seeking the Black Dragon, Jack takes it and Omi and him have a Showdown for it to which he won. The monks then took it home and the Shen Gong Wu known as the Sapphire Dragon is activated and freezes the monks and Master Fung one by one. It is up to Dojo to save everyone.
10 36 "Bounty Hunters" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
After recieving the Ring of Nine Dragons by collecting it, Omi uses this when he cannot multitask when choosing to train with friends and practice martial arts. he then disobeys Master Fung's orders and while looking for the Falcon's Eye Jack wagers his Jetbootsue for Omi's Mantis Flipcoin. Jack wins when Omi falls back down. Jack is then left with the bad luck when it turns out to be a nightmare.
11 37 "Casual Cosco" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
While using the Changing Chopsticks, builds the Cameleon bot. He then shows the Kimiko program and practices using the Star Hanabi, the Lotus Twister, and the Sun Chi Latern to use the Star Hanabi again. The duplicate then meets Kimiko and beats her. Jack holds Kimiko captive. Omi belives Kimiko is an imposter when losing the Tongue of Saiping to Jack and her weird actions. He then fights Kimiko and the Cameleon Kimiko in a three-way Xiaolin Showdown. Omi wins and guesses and destroys the Cameleon Bot.
12 38 "Low Class Warrior" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 39 "Bloodlock's Vengeance" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.

Season 4: 2010-2011

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 40 "Treasure of the Sacred Swordsman" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Master Fung along with Dojo Konojo Cho both figure out the Four Dragon Warriors as- Omi, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey. Meanwhile, Jack Spicer finds a puzzle box and sets Wuya free to help him. Soon quickly the Heylin and Xiaolin meet. After failing already, their second encounter leads up to the first Xiaolin Showdown.
2 41 "Bugtow Moscow" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
After Omi gets the highest on the obstacle course. Clay surprises everyone when just simply getting the dog. He then makes fun of Clay's old man kung fu style. They then notcie the Fist of Tebigong is activated and that Omi gets no Shen Gong Wu. Meanwhile, Jack and Wuya make an alliance with LeMime. Clay is the only one left to challenge Jack Spicer to a Xiaolin Showdown.
3 42 "Wielder of the Beast" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Kimiko's rage makes her lose the Monkey Staff to Jack with his Jetbootsu. She then works on her temper as the guys easily annoys her. She then later challenges Jack and seems to win with working on her temper.
4 43 "The Hazardous Four Part I" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
Master Fung finds out that someone has been in the vault. They all then say Jack Spicer. Jack then retrieves the Third-Arm Sash & the Two Ton Tunic. However, he looses them when tripping by Omi. The Xiaolin Monks then frnd off Jack's robots as Omi and Jack duel. Soon both are to be heading to a Xiaolin Showdown but one of Jack's robots survived and snatched the Shen Gong Wu's. Omi feeling guilty eventually reedeming himself when fighting Jack again in their next fight for the Third-Arm Sash.
5 44 "The Hazardous Four Part II" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Wuya and Jack look for a replacement and find Katnappe. She then goes looking for the Changing Chopsticks. They then meet up with the Xiaolin Monks and they defeat the Jackbots. Omi and Katnappe duel in a game of it. Katnappe wins and betrays Wuya and Jack. She uses the Golden Tiger Claws and causes havoc. She beats the Xiaolin Monks twice until Omi sends the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's Core.
6 45 "A New leaf" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Omi explains the art of Shen Gong Wu but Raimundo dozes off. They then arrive at the beach and split up. Raimundo finds it and quickly encounters Tubbimara. After his humiliating defeat, Raimundo studies Shen Gong Wu, leading up to him having his rematch with the ninja.
7 46 "Lord Rituals" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Jack and Wuya think of another way to get the Shen Gong Wu and rehire LeMime to get them and seek revenge on Clay. He then fights Clay once again, and defeats the monks. He then wins the Helmet of Jong. Clay then seeks revenge on LeMime and LeMime goes for the Orb of Tornami. Clay and LeMime have a Xiaolin Showdown. Clay wins and kicks LeMime far, far away.
8 47 "Battle for the Keystone" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
The monks and Dojo go to New York to look for the Serpent's Tail. As they have failed many times on several occasions. Jack Spicer appears and looks for it as well. Omi gets lost and fights off bullies with Jermaine. They both then meet up with the other monks and Jermaine and Omi are in a Xiaolin Showdown against Jack and his robot.
9 48 "Hidden Keystone" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
After the Xiaolin Monks are seeking the Black Dragon, Jack takes it and Omi and him have a Showdown for it to which he won. The monks then took it home and the Shen Gong Wu known as the Sapphire Dragon is activated and freezes the monks and Master Fung one by one. It is up to Dojo to save everyone.
10 49 "Magical Outlaws" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
After recieving the Ring of Nine Dragons by collecting it, Omi uses this when he cannot multitask when choosing to train with friends and practice martial arts. he then disobeys Master Fung's orders and while looking for the Falcon's Eye Jack wagers his Jetbootsue for Omi's Mantis Flipcoin. Jack wins when Omi falls back down. Jack is then left with the bad luck when it turns out to be a nightmare.
11 50 "Cove Pirate Cavern" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
While using the Changing Chopsticks, builds the Cameleon bot. He then shows the Kimiko program and practices using the Star Hanabi, the Lotus Twister, and the Sun Chi Latern to use the Star Hanabi again. The duplicate then meets Kimiko and beats her. Jack holds Kimiko captive. Omi belives Kimiko is an imposter when losing the Tongue of Saiping to Jack and her weird actions. He then fights Kimiko and the Cameleon Kimiko in a three-way Xiaolin Showdown. Omi wins and guesses and destroys the Cameleon Bot.
12 51 "Dynamic Destroyer Part I" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 52 "Dynamic Destroyer Part II" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.

Season 5: 2010-2011

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 53 "Monster of Relics: Bakazar the Menace" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Master Fung along with Dojo Konojo Cho both figure out the Four Dragon Warriors as- Omi, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey. Meanwhile, Jack Spicer finds a puzzle box and sets Wuya free to help him. Soon quickly the Heylin and Xiaolin meet. After failing already, their second encounter leads up to the first Xiaolin Showdown.
2 54 "Oldstone Mountain" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
After Omi gets the highest on the obstacle course. Clay surprises everyone when just simply getting the dog. He then makes fun of Clay's old man kung fu style. They then notcie the Fist of Tebigong is activated and that Omi gets no Shen Gong Wu. Meanwhile, Jack and Wuya make an alliance with LeMime. Clay is the only one left to challenge Jack Spicer to a Xiaolin Showdown.
3 55 "Bugtow chimes in" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Kimiko's rage makes her lose the Monkey Staff to Jack with his Jetbootsu. She then works on her temper as the guys easily annoys her. She then later challenges Jack and seems to win with working on her temper.
4 56 "Due of a Favor" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
Master Fung finds out that someone has been in the vault. They all then say Jack Spicer. Jack then retrieves the Third-Arm Sash & the Two Ton Tunic. However, he looses them when tripping by Omi. The Xiaolin Monks then frnd off Jack's robots as Omi and Jack duel. Soon both are to be heading to a Xiaolin Showdown but one of Jack's robots survived and snatched the Shen Gong Wu's. Omi feeling guilty eventually reedeming himself when fighting Jack again in their next fight for the Third-Arm Sash.
5 57 "Bakazar!" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Wuya and Jack look for a replacement and find Katnappe. She then goes looking for the Changing Chopsticks. They then meet up with the Xiaolin Monks and they defeat the Jackbots. Omi and Katnappe duel in a game of it. Katnappe wins and betrays Wuya and Jack. She uses the Golden Tiger Claws and causes havoc. She beats the Xiaolin Monks twice until Omi sends the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's Core.
6 58 "Tyranny of Bakazar Part I" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Omi explains the art of Shen Gong Wu but Raimundo dozes off. They then arrive at the beach and split up. Raimundo finds it and quickly encounters Tubbimara. After his humiliating defeat, Raimundo studies Shen Gong Wu, leading up to him having his rematch with the ninja.
7 59 "Tyranny of Bakazar Part II" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Jack and Wuya think of another way to get the Shen Gong Wu and rehire LeMime to get them and seek revenge on Clay. He then fights Clay once again, and defeats the monks. He then wins the Helmet of Jong. Clay then seeks revenge on LeMime and LeMime goes for the Orb of Tornami. Clay and LeMime have a Xiaolin Showdown. Clay wins and kicks LeMime far, far away.
8 60 "Tyranny of Bakazar Part III" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
The monks and Dojo go to New York to look for the Serpent's Tail. As they have failed many times on several occasions. Jack Spicer appears and looks for it as well. Omi gets lost and fights off bullies with Jermaine. They both then meet up with the other monks and Jermaine and Omi are in a Xiaolin Showdown against Jack and his robot.
9 61 "Marrow Cometh" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
After the Xiaolin Monks are seeking the Black Dragon, Jack takes it and Omi and him have a Showdown for it to which he won. The monks then took it home and the Shen Gong Wu known as the Sapphire Dragon is activated and freezes the monks and Master Fung one by one. It is up to Dojo to save everyone.
10 62 "Gargantuan Battle" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
After recieving the Ring of Nine Dragons by collecting it, Omi uses this when he cannot multitask when choosing to train with friends and practice martial arts. he then disobeys Master Fung's orders and while looking for the Falcon's Eye Jack wagers his Jetbootsue for Omi's Mantis Flipcoin. Jack wins when Omi falls back down. Jack is then left with the bad luck when it turns out to be a nightmare.
11 63 "Three Kings" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
While using the Changing Chopsticks, builds the Cameleon bot. He then shows the Kimiko program and practices using the Star Hanabi, the Lotus Twister, and the Sun Chi Latern to use the Star Hanabi again. The duplicate then meets Kimiko and beats her. Jack holds Kimiko captive. Omi belives Kimiko is an imposter when losing the Tongue of Saiping to Jack and her weird actions. He then fights Kimiko and the Cameleon Kimiko in a three-way Xiaolin Showdown. Omi wins and guesses and destroys the Cameleon Bot.
12 64 "A Caged Match" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 65 "Natural Balance" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.

Season 6: 2010-2011

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 66 "Who is Weefro?" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Master Fung along with Dojo Konojo Cho both figure out the Four Dragon Warriors as- Omi, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey. Meanwhile, Jack Spicer finds a puzzle box and sets Wuya free to help him. Soon quickly the Heylin and Xiaolin meet. After failing already, their second encounter leads up to the first Xiaolin Showdown.
2 67 "Double Troubl for Mushi" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
After Omi gets the highest on the obstacle course. Clay surprises everyone when just simply getting the dog. He then makes fun of Clay's old man kung fu style. They then notcie the Fist of Tebigong is activated and that Omi gets no Shen Gong Wu. Meanwhile, Jack and Wuya make an alliance with LeMime. Clay is the only one left to challenge Jack Spicer to a Xiaolin Showdown.
3 68 "Hunger Woods Games" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Kimiko's rage makes her lose the Monkey Staff to Jack with his Jetbootsu. She then works on her temper as the guys easily annoys her. She then later challenges Jack and seems to win with working on her temper.
4 69 "Flash Fire Mixdown" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
Master Fung finds out that someone has been in the vault. They all then say Jack Spicer. Jack then retrieves the Third-Arm Sash & the Two Ton Tunic. However, he looses them when tripping by Omi. The Xiaolin Monks then frnd off Jack's robots as Omi and Jack duel. Soon both are to be heading to a Xiaolin Showdown but one of Jack's robots survived and snatched the Shen Gong Wu's. Omi feeling guilty eventually reedeming himself when fighting Jack again in their next fight for the Third-Arm Sash.
5 70 "Demonic Spirit" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Wuya and Jack look for a replacement and find Katnappe. She then goes looking for the Changing Chopsticks. They then meet up with the Xiaolin Monks and they defeat the Jackbots. Omi and Katnappe duel in a game of it. Katnappe wins and betrays Wuya and Jack. She uses the Golden Tiger Claws and causes havoc. She beats the Xiaolin Monks twice until Omi sends the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's Core.
6 71 "Sparrow to the Wind" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Omi explains the art of Shen Gong Wu but Raimundo dozes off. They then arrive at the beach and split up. Raimundo finds it and quickly encounters Tubbimara. After his humiliating defeat, Raimundo studies Shen Gong Wu, leading up to him having his rematch with the ninja.
7 72 "The Last of Weefro!" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Jack and Wuya think of another way to get the Shen Gong Wu and rehire LeMime to get them and seek revenge on Clay. He then fights Clay once again, and defeats the monks. He then wins the Helmet of Jong. Clay then seeks revenge on LeMime and LeMime goes for the Orb of Tornami. Clay and LeMime have a Xiaolin Showdown. Clay wins and kicks LeMime far, far away.
8 73 "Hunt or be Hunted" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
The monks and Dojo go to New York to look for the Serpent's Tail. As they have failed many times on several occasions. Jack Spicer appears and looks for it as well. Omi gets lost and fights off bullies with Jermaine. They both then meet up with the other monks and Jermaine and Omi are in a Xiaolin Showdown against Jack and his robot.
9 74 "Scavenger Afar" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
After the Xiaolin Monks are seeking the Black Dragon, Jack takes it and Omi and him have a Showdown for it to which he won. The monks then took it home and the Shen Gong Wu known as the Sapphire Dragon is activated and freezes the monks and Master Fung one by one. It is up to Dojo to save everyone.
10 75 "Nyo's Bio" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
After recieving the Ring of Nine Dragons by collecting it, Omi uses this when he cannot multitask when choosing to train with friends and practice martial arts. he then disobeys Master Fung's orders and while looking for the Falcon's Eye Jack wagers his Jetbootsue for Omi's Mantis Flipcoin. Jack wins when Omi falls back down. Jack is then left with the bad luck when it turns out to be a nightmare.
11 76 "Alien Disorder" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
While using the Changing Chopsticks, builds the Cameleon bot. He then shows the Kimiko program and practices using the Star Hanabi, the Lotus Twister, and the Sun Chi Latern to use the Star Hanabi again. The duplicate then meets Kimiko and beats her. Jack holds Kimiko captive. Omi belives Kimiko is an imposter when losing the Tongue of Saiping to Jack and her weird actions. He then fights Kimiko and the Cameleon Kimiko in a three-way Xiaolin Showdown. Omi wins and guesses and destroys the Cameleon Bot.
12 77 "Fire Mountain" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 78 "The Evil Hand" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.

Season 7: 2011-2012

No. Total Title Original airdate
1 79 "Treasure of the Lagoon" September 17, 2005 (2005-09-17)
Master Fung along with Dojo Konojo Cho both figure out the Four Dragon Warriors as- Omi, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey. Meanwhile, Jack Spicer finds a puzzle box and sets Wuya free to help him. Soon quickly the Heylin and Xiaolin meet. After failing already, their second encounter leads up to the first Xiaolin Showdown.
2 80 "Dubious Part I" September 24, 2005 (2005-09-24)
After Omi gets the highest on the obstacle course. Clay surprises everyone when just simply getting the dog. He then makes fun of Clay's old man kung fu style. They then notcie the Fist of Tebigong is activated and that Omi gets no Shen Gong Wu. Meanwhile, Jack and Wuya make an alliance with LeMime. Clay is the only one left to challenge Jack Spicer to a Xiaolin Showdown.
3 81 "Dubious Part II" October 1, 2005 (2005-10-01)
Kimiko's rage makes her lose the Monkey Staff to Jack with his Jetbootsu. She then works on her temper as the guys easily annoys her. She then later challenges Jack and seems to win with working on her temper.
4 82 "Exile Between Heroes" October 8, 2005 (2005-10-08)
Master Fung finds out that someone has been in the vault. They all then say Jack Spicer. Jack then retrieves the Third-Arm Sash & the Two Ton Tunic. However, he looses them when tripping by Omi. The Xiaolin Monks then frnd off Jack's robots as Omi and Jack duel. Soon both are to be heading to a Xiaolin Showdown but one of Jack's robots survived and snatched the Shen Gong Wu's. Omi feeling guilty eventually reedeming himself when fighting Jack again in their next fight for the Third-Arm Sash.
5 83 "The Shadow Carrier" October 15, 2005 (2005-10-15)
Wuya and Jack look for a replacement and find Katnappe. She then goes looking for the Changing Chopsticks. They then meet up with the Xiaolin Monks and they defeat the Jackbots. Omi and Katnappe duel in a game of it. Katnappe wins and betrays Wuya and Jack. She uses the Golden Tiger Claws and causes havoc. She beats the Xiaolin Monks twice until Omi sends the Golden Tiger Claws to the Earth's Core.
6 84 "Enslave the Humans" November 5, 2005 (2005-11-05)
Omi explains the art of Shen Gong Wu but Raimundo dozes off. They then arrive at the beach and split up. Raimundo finds it and quickly encounters Tubbimara. After his humiliating defeat, Raimundo studies Shen Gong Wu, leading up to him having his rematch with the ninja.
7 85 "Acient Rumors" November 12, 2005 (2005-11-12)
Jack and Wuya think of another way to get the Shen Gong Wu and rehire LeMime to get them and seek revenge on Clay. He then fights Clay once again, and defeats the monks. He then wins the Helmet of Jong. Clay then seeks revenge on LeMime and LeMime goes for the Orb of Tornami. Clay and LeMime have a Xiaolin Showdown. Clay wins and kicks LeMime far, far away.
8 86 "Flee to the East" November 19, 2005 (2005-11-19)
The monks and Dojo go to New York to look for the Serpent's Tail. As they have failed many times on several occasions. Jack Spicer appears and looks for it as well. Omi gets lost and fights off bullies with Jermaine. They both then meet up with the other monks and Jermaine and Omi are in a Xiaolin Showdown against Jack and his robot.
9 87 "Reversing the Odds" December 17, 2005 (2005-12-17)
After the Xiaolin Monks are seeking the Black Dragon, Jack takes it and Omi and him have a Showdown for it to which he won. The monks then took it home and the Shen Gong Wu known as the Sapphire Dragon is activated and freezes the monks and Master Fung one by one. It is up to Dojo to save everyone.
10 88 "Rage Rumble Part I" February 11, 2006 (2006-02-11)
After recieving the Ring of Nine Dragons by collecting it, Omi uses this when he cannot multitask when choosing to train with friends and practice martial arts. he then disobeys Master Fung's orders and while looking for the Falcon's Eye Jack wagers his Jetbootsue for Omi's Mantis Flipcoin. Jack wins when Omi falls back down. Jack is then left with the bad luck when it turns out to be a nightmare.
11 89 "Rage Rumble Part II" February 18, 2006 (2006-02-18)
While using the Changing Chopsticks, builds the Cameleon bot. He then shows the Kimiko program and practices using the Star Hanabi, the Lotus Twister, and the Sun Chi Latern to use the Star Hanabi again. The duplicate then meets Kimiko and beats her. Jack holds Kimiko captive. Omi belives Kimiko is an imposter when losing the Tongue of Saiping to Jack and her weird actions. He then fights Kimiko and the Cameleon Kimiko in a three-way Xiaolin Showdown. Omi wins and guesses and destroys the Cameleon Bot.
12 90 "Rage Rumble Part III" May 6, 2006 (2006-05-06)
Jack and Wuya then go and steals more of the Shen Gong Wu from the vault and uses those to bring the infamous ancient warrior Mala Mala Jong to life. Mala Mala Jong then attacks the temple but soon follows the Xiaolin Monks to a cliff. Wuya takes over and fends with Master Fung as Jackbots handle the monks. Omi, Kimiko and Clay all fight Mala Mala Jong to no prevail. Raimundo heads back to help Master Fung, but Master Fung said he disobeyed orders and Raimundo faints. Omi then gets the Golden Tiger Claws after Mala Mala Jong sends him somewhere. Clay and Kimiko are then defeated in battle. Omi finally defeats Mala Mala Jong with the heart of Jong by taking it out by teleporting to its heart. The monks get ranked to The Apprentice
13 91 "Rage Rumble Part IV" May 13, 2006 (2006-05-13)
Once Raimundo is umiliated and discouraged at not being ranked, he leaves the Xiaolin Temple and uses the Longi Kite and reaches Wuya and Jack at th Lighthouse to get the Reversing Mirror. Raimundo then decides to join Wuya and Jack and gets the Reversing Mirror for Wuya. He then gets the Serpent's Tail and makes Wuya go to her flesh and original form. The other Dragons in Training try to stop raimundo but he beats them all but Omi who is determined to get his friend back. The two end in a tie and Wuya takes Raimundo and betrays Jack. Wuya is then challenges to a Xiaolin Showdown after finding the Tongue of Saiping. Omi, Clay, and Kimiko wagers their Lotus Twister, Star Hanabi, and Fist of Tebigong against Wuya's Serpent's Tail and Longi Kite. Wuya eventually defeats them and her and Raimundo go to her domain. She then leaves Omi, Kimiko, Clay and Jack with Rock Creatures to fend off. All seems hopless and the four have no clue on what to do.